On Friday, October 18, 2019, a blogger under the name of Impala64ssa, posted a blog titled, Recalling the Tragic History of Gun Control. There are many weak points throughout this post.
First and foremost, the publisher is trying to make an argument that is not concrete and all over the place. The primary dilemma with this blog post is that there is no real claim. The writer, Impala64ssa, states that "Maybe it's time to pursue real solutions to criminal violence and forget about a war on peaceable, law-abiding gun owners." It is hard to tell what the author's real argument is because, throughout the post, there is an implication that they want gun regulation, but then they seem to contradict themselves with the statement above.
Another predicament with this post is that the initial poster did not break the piece into sections or paragraphs; this makes it more difficult for us to read and makes it seem like one big chunk of information. There is also a problem with the wording; it is quite offputting. It appears as if they were randomly throwing words into their writing because some of the words seem redundant and are not necessary.
Lastly, the author did not establish their creditability. They state that politicians respond to gun violence by using the same mechanisms, "creating more felonies to criminalize law-abiding gun owners," and they give us this immense lesson on what politicians have done throughout history. Yet, there is no evidence to know if any of this information is accurate or not.
Putting all the critiques to the side, I can agree that politicians have been doing the same thing for years, and something needs to change, but I cannot agree with the rest of their "argument" and their outlook on gun owners.