Friday, September 20, 2019

You Should Give It A Read

On Thursday, September 19, 2019, the Salon published an article titled “Trump wants to punish California over homelessness — after denying funds to fight homelessness.” It discusses how California reached out to the Trump administration to expand some programs set in place to help house the homeless, but the administration, Ben Carson rejected their demand per the president’s request. Trump then threatens to use the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA to punish California for its homeless problem the same day. All the while, he’s making promises to protect foreign real estate investors from California’s homeless population. He insinuates that the overregulation of housing caused the homelessness problem. This article is interesting and worth reading because it discusses the contradicting and hypocritical actions of the United States president, Trump.

Time to Kick Trump Off Twitter

President Donald Trump is alleged, "the most powerful man in the world" right now. The most powerful man in the world is constant...